‘‘Not us appearing on the pages of the New York Times this time! But a great short read on approaching the Menopause that very much chimes with our view…”
‘‘Our founder Loretta (yes the ‘Marketing Powerhouse’ described above) is also featured on the pages of the Irish Independent…”
‘‘The fantastic Helen Seymour continues her travails through the Menopause, stopping only to say some very complimentary things about us. Just click on the link below to find out what Helen thinks, you can also follow the entirety of Helen’s menopause journey in her blog…”
‘‘And here’s an interview with our Founder and CEO, Loretta Dignam with Dr Ciara Kelly on Lunchtime Live at Newstalk, discussing all things menopause…”
“As part World Menopause day on October 18th, Loretta discusses what led her to founding the Menopause Hub. You can listen here…”
“Irish women have been experiencing HRT shortages since mid 2019, which has been getting progressively worse into early 2020. I have been in contact with the Dept of Health, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and media to advocate on behalf of Irish women, Finally, the Irish Mail on Sunday covered the story…”
“Sometime symptoms of menopause are a sign of something more serious - post menopausal bleeding should ALWAYS be investigated. Check out this article in RSVP Live to which we contributed…”
“Menopause symptoms exacerbated in Covid-19 Lockdown according to research conducted by The menopause Hub and featured in the Health & living section of the Irish Independent…”
“Our very own Dr Caoimhe Hartley contributed to episode 430 of the Irish Times Women’s Podcast. She provides expert advice and important information on the menopause re enforcing that there should be no stigma or taboo subjects when it comes to women's health…”
“Sadly menopause is still taboo in Ireland, and globally. A recent Survey, ‘What Women Want…in menopause’ features in this article by journalist Emily Hourican. 80% of women in Ireland are unprepared for menopause / perimenopause and 66% knew little or nothing about it beforehand. Thank you to the Independent for shining the spotlight on menopause, once again…”
“Great to see her.ie publishing a piece about menopause, particularly as their readership is typically younger. I was unprepared for menopause or perimenopause. I had never even heard the word perimenopause. And I consider myself to be an educated and intelligent woman. My purpose in life now is to educate society about menopause. I do not want my daughter to be as ignorant or unprepared for this major life phase…”
“Last week, Wed 5th May 2021 Joe Duffy’s Liveline blew the lid off menopause in Ireland and continued for 5 days, with a special dedicated phone line for listeners to share their stories. Joe commented that no topic has received such in engagement for over 2 years, and that includes Covid-19. And it was the first time that the show created a dedicated phone line. And about time too!…”
“Thank you to Image Magazine for shedding a light on menopause and signposting ways for women to seek help.
Dr Shayi Dezayi, one of our team of doctors and a gynaecologist discusses menopause symptoms…”
“Once again, from October 2021 to date women are left short of their HRT. At one point in mid February, there were no patches available and no gels available in the Republic of Ireland. Our doctors were running out of transdermal HRT options. The impact of this is that women, who have suffered in silence for years and finally sought appropriate treatment via HRT, which is working well for them, are suddenly left without the medication that has helped them get their lives on track…”
“On International Women’s Day - March 8th 2022, The Mayor of London introduced what was described as a ‘world leading menopause policy’. You can read more about it here Although Channel 4 launched their menopause policy is October 2019 to celebrate World Menopause Day. over 2 years ahead of the Mayor…”
“Once again menopausal women are impacted by HRT shortages. However, the current shortages of patches and gels is more widespread this time and doctors are running out of options for what to prescribe. This is at crisis point, with oestrogen patches not due back in stock until mid July 2022. The shortages are due to increased demand…”
“Watch RTE’s documentarty here. It was fantastic to have our national broadcaster, RTE dedicate a documentary to menopause. Overdue! it was powerful to hear the stories of womens across the country and their experience of menopause. Fot too long menopause has been taboo and stigmatised. Those days are coming to an end, thankfully…”