Menopausal Women Aren’t Talking About The Menopause

Great to see publishing a piece about menopause, particularly as their readership is typically younger. I was unprepared for menopause or perimenopause. I had never even heard the word perimenopause. And I consider myself to be an educated and intelligent woman. My purpose in life now is to educate society about menopause. I do not want my daughter to be as ignorant or unprepared for this major life phase. Plus I do not want her to be at risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s, which she will be when she becomes post-menopausal and lives one third to one half of her life in an oestrogen deficient state.

Thank you for helping to educate your readers, who may be better able to prepare themselves for perimenopause and menopause.
