The Week That Changed Menopause In Ireland Forever - Joe Duffy Liveline On Rte 1 Radio
Last week, Wed 5th May 2021 Joe Duffy’s Liveline blew the lid off menopause in Ireland and continued for 5 days, with a special dedicated phone line for listeners to share their stories. Joe commented that no topic has received such in engagement for over 2 years, and that includes Covid-19. And it was the first time that the show created a dedicated phone line. And about time too! This topic has been taboo for far too long. Unacceptable in 21st century Ireland. It all started with an email from Sallyanne Brady, co-founder of support group, the Irish Menopause. So CONGRATULATIONS to Sallyanne!
I spoke to Joe about my personal experience of menopause and why I set up The Menopause Hub. I also shared the market research I conducted.
Key findings: (Research conducted online in Sept / Oct 2020)
80% of women say that they are or were unprepared for menopause
66% say that they knew nothing or very little about menopause beforehand
79% of women rate the level of information & support for menopause in Ireland as poor/ very poor
Women rate the level of menopause taboo at 7 out of 10 (with 10 being completely taboo and 0 being not taboo at all)
Almost half of women do not feel confident talking to their GP about menopause
Here are the links to Joe Duffy’s podcasts - listen, learn and be prepared to be shocked by some of the stories.